[[https://freebsd.org|{{:freebsd:freebsd_logo_horiz_pos_rgbr.png?400|}}]] ====== Ramblings ====== I've used [[https://FreeBSD.org|FreeBSD]] for over twenty years. I started with it somewhere around release 2.2.x. It's come a long way. It's an amazing product. Take a gander at the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_products_based_on_FreeBSD|list of products based on it]] (wikipedia). I don't believe that list is exhaustive by any means. The operating system is at the core of things many of us touch every day. ====== Some notes ====== * [[https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports/blob/main/UPDATING|Current /usr/ports/UPDATING]] * [[gui vps|gui on a headless vps]] * [[ipfw firehol|IPFW - making use of FireHOL block lists]] * [[ipfw stateful|IPFW - a stateful NATing configuration]] * [[ipfw stateful restart|IPFW - a stateful restart]] * [[pkg size mismatch|pkg: cached package size mismatch]] * [[pkg checksum mismatch|pkg: packages with mismatched checksums]] * [[X chooser user|X-Windows user based display manager chooser]] ====== Other Information ====== Of potential interest is [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_BSD_operating_systems|Wikipedia's comparison of BSD]] operating systems and the [[https://cgit.freebsd.org/src/tree/share/misc/bsd-family-tree|BSD family tree]]. * [[https://freebsd.org|FreeBSD]] * [[https://netbsd.org|NetBSD]] * [[https://openbsd.org|OpenBSD]]